Check-in with mobile
Qwickly Attendance
ACTS is implementing a new mobile app based attendance taking that will help students to quickly check-in using mobile app when attending a class without the need to wait for the roll call

How to Use
Follow these steps to install and use the Qwickly Mobile App
Install the Qwickly Attendance app from App Store/Playstore using the links below
2.Login with UBNet
Search for University of Bridgeport and login with your UBNet account. Authorize Qwickly to access your account
When the instructor starts the check in for your class, open your app and select the class name to check-in to submit your attendance

Step 1
Install the App
Download the app from the Apple Store or Play Store on your phone or tablet
Login wth UBNet

Find School
Search our Institution
When prompted to login, enter your UBNet credentials

Click on Authorize

Access Home Page

Active Session
Select a Session
You can only see an active session when your instructor starts the check-in

Camera access
Allow Access to Camera

Scan the QR Code
Scanning the QR Code will complete your attendance submission
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Contact our Hepldesk Support to get assistance